Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chongqing quality detection for free for citizens to carry out the gold jewelry

China Quality Daily News (reporter Zhang Yi also Jiang Weisheng) Recently, the Chongqing Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau organized experts to conduct free testing for the public activities of gold jewelry, for a total of 126 members of the public free testing jewelry gold products, the cumulative cost savings of up to 3 million yuan detection .

Wang, who lives in Yuzhong District of Chongqing is the first day of the event censorship of the public. A few years ago,Cartier fashion jewelry she and her family to travel abroad, it takes more than 1500 yuan bought a known thousands of gold gold necklace and pendant. She always wanted to know whether its gold content as high as propaganda. So, I heard that the free testing gold jewelry, her early in the morning to catch the past. Less than half an hour, she got the test results: The product does not contain gold, belonging Yijiachongzhen products.

It is understood that Wang's experience is not the case in the free testing day. "In the public inspection of all products, which travel to buy fake jewelery class more." Bear the burden of detecting Chongqing Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection jewelery and precious quality inspection station a responsible person to reporters said that its mainly for insufficient gold, jewelry and other impurities.

It is understood that this activity is in Chongqing "service quality supervision of construction" series of activities aimed at the city's quality supervision system serving the overall situation, service districts, service enterprises, service people "four service" focus further certification and accreditation play "transitive trust, service development" role, as well as inspection of technical advantages to practical action Huimin.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Uncovering the lies behind the ceramic sanitary ware industry promotion at a discount

Sanitary ware, has been on to the noble quality as home building materials market in the "boutique decorating material." Today, however, sanitary ware makers have introduced a low but then low discount; be confusing spree; limited buying super cheap; various combinations of packages; highest cash back on the yuan and so-called " luxury bathroom, "also in the" Low price storm "emerge, known unknown, at home and abroad involving up to several hundred kinds of sanitary ware brand. The price of a low-low again, really good or bad for consumers to distinguish between true and false made difficult. According to industry analysts, sanitary ware long walk if the price line, return to the minds of consumers "fine drapery" will become a luxury. 

Chaos concept of speculation to sell high-end price 

  According to the survey, 10 of the world's top brands have entered the Chinese sanitary ware, which has successively imported goods in domestic production, net imports of ceramic sanitary ware in the whole China market share of less than 5%. There are some remaining unknown "international brand", is just one of Chinese manufacturers were registered in foreign countries, production in China, shipped to foreign packaging, return domestic sales when they have a "noble lineage." 

  Some shopkeepers introduced to consumers high-temperature sterile concepts: the "temperature over 800 degrees in the low-temperature pottery, at 1600 degrees is the temperature Tao, only be considered to achieve our 1800 degree high temperature ceramic." While another clerk was declared "Our products have reached when fired above 2800 degrees, below that of all failed." in the end reach the number of degrees when fired at high temperature, it is considered? High-temperature pottery is the best it is not? A dealer said the main points a ceramic sanitary ware products and superior products, superior product price is a product of two to three times. Because interest-driven, sales to a product said to be superior products, the average consumer only from the surface no longer see superior product and a product of the difference, only rely on instrumentation, or after a period of use before identify them. Some dealers is the use of consumer information channel asymmetry, shoddy deceive consumers. 

Original defective discounted lift first 

  6 fold, 5 fold, 4.5 fold, the market most of the sanitary ware are on sale, at least 20% discount, the lowest sometimes hit twenty-three fold. Is true or false discounts discount? A salesman said this is a sample, some flaws; another salesman then said that this has been discontinued, obsolete models; third salesperson said handle inventory, not pressure funds. Salesperson, then after three true or false. Customers found in the market, the new just listed are discounted. And another shopkeeper then told the truth: "Now who prevail in the underlying price, ah, generally have a discount on the price we fight tickets." Someone asked: "then why the price marked so high, standard real Price is not better? "said the shopkeeper also feel helpless," No way Yeah, customer psychology is to bargain. " 

  In addition to discounts under various names, there are direct bottom line price, being original is now selling more than 100 thousand of the original price of nearly a thousand dollars as long as tens of dollars, so low super cheap,ceramics info who would not be tempted ah? However, when reminded of professionals, hand out and touched the inner wall outlet and found super cheap reasons: there is no enamel on the inner wall outlet. Now promotional variety, consumers buy to shop around for the wonderful care.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Free testing gold jewelry Weight

Whether you buy a sufficient amount of gold? The jewelery collection is not real materials? If you do not worry, they hastened telephone booking free testing now! Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision, June 9 to celebrate the "World recognition Day", the council on June 7 gold jewelry free testing activities carried out, the public need to be enrolled during an appointment today.

Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau, responsible person, this free testing gold jewelery items, including jewelery material authenticity and weight of gold jewelry, gold. In addition, amber, beeswax, Shoushan stone, Yellowstone, etc. are not included in the detection range of jewelery.

There is a demand of the public can at 10:00 on June 6 to 16:30 for phone registration, jewelery and gold ornaments of the limit 60, applicants are required to at 9:30 on June 7 to 16 items to be seized to carry when and my ID card and proof of purchase, product-related inspection certificate to the designated agency.

To enable more people to participate in the Waste Management activities, which seized two samples per person, and the use of some indicators of rapid testing methods to detect only informed after the test results are not issued a formal test report. In addition, the detection of not grading, not the age and origin of goods is judged.

It should be noted that the day will be free testing in order to kind of order to detect the end of the afternoon 16:00, appointments within the specified time if the public is not censorship, will expire without compensation. Please apply the public good control inspection time and attention to take good care of their belongings safe.Buy A Cheap Cartier Love Rings AS a gifts and Cartier love Bracelet Replica for you girlfriend

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tea green crystal appraisal should pay special attention to the points

Citrine has a smoke-like hazy due to the United States, it is also known as smoky topaz, its calm color giving a feeling of tranquility, due to moderate performance, brings together the essence of the sun, from the need degaussing crystal, but also a powerful cleanser and recycled stone. Because it can get rid of negative energy transformation and, therefore environmental protection stone. Natural citrine is rare, and artificial crystal in the market and a lot of it is required in the identification of natural citrine special attention.

      1, natural tea crystal in the formation process, often influenced by the environment always contains some impurities, facing the sun inspection you can see faint stripes or the average small catkin-like material. The fake crystal tea tea crystal multi adoption defective, broken glass melting, through polishing process, color copy is made, no averaging stripes, catkin-like material.

      2, to see if the glass is such a clear water, no texture, and hardness is low, single refractive index, laced with bubbles, but also very good resolution, can be used to distinguish between the polarizer.

      3, hardness Dayong natural tea crystal jewelry gently crushed stone in a uniform, does not leave marks, if left streak is fake tea crystal.

      4, natural tea crystal heel in a sunlight, regardless of the angle from which it can emit a pretty look glorious, fake crystal tea can not.

      5 insourcing matter Discrimination: In general, because of the natural crystal is produced naturally by the earth, usually there will be many crystal inclusions, natural ice cracks, clouds and ribbon changes. The artificial crystal is synthesized by the plant or laboratory condensed and therefore produced almost flawless crystal.

      6 feel forgeries: Pure natural crystal feel cool, weighty. Synthetic crystal feel mild, light weight.

      7 experts: to give a special national gem verification organization. Secondary market a lot of artificial synthetic crystal, pay attention to whether the time of purchase with national identification certificate, to prevent fakes.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hong Kong jewelry retail month overall performance is buoyant

Mainland visitors "crazy" coming to Hong Kong to grab gold wave and the golden week, driven by the overall performance of our retail buoyant last month, Statistics Department announced yesterday, April retail sales value reached 43.1 billion yuan, representing a surge approximately 21%, of which the sales performance of the jewelery category recorded the largest increase over last year shot up 69%.Retailers Association Ximai Rui believes that high growth is encouraging, it is expected retail sales are still expected double-digit growth.


 Census and Statistics Department yesterday released the latest figures on retail sales, the value of total retail sales last month estimated at 43.1 billion yuan, representing an increase of 20.7% over the same period last year, even after adjusting for price changes, the increase is still 19.4%. A government spokesman pointed out that I love fashion cartier love, last month, retail sales recorded strong growth, mainly because "of jewelery, watches and valuable gifts" surge in volume, reflecting the month and gold-related sales surge. Overall, sales at other retailers last month also continued to see healthy growth.

        Marinelli also pointed out that retail trade data for last month made good, is largely driven by gold industry due. Earlier the price of gold fell, numerous mainland visitors to Hong Kong to buy gold, triggering sweeping across the city to grab gold tide, so that the "valuable gifts jewelery watches" category sales increased the most, in the past usually generally only about 10% increase, but last month up to 69%, indicating that more than 50 percent of which comes from gold mining. She noted that from January to March compared with the overall sales value increased by 13.9% compared to last year, but in January to April increased by 15.5%, as long as she continued low gold prices helped pushed overall sales continue to value.

Gold prices to stimulate sales


  Prince Jewellery & Watch executive director Joseph Chu said that last month's sales compared with a year earlier, an increase of over 20%, not only because the price of gold fell to stimulate sales, this year's Golden Week started early last month on the 28th, there are very influence, disguised the original flow of people belonging to May brought in April, so in April surged results.


Joseph Chu says Cartier jewelry is very nice, into May, although the jewelery retail performance continues to rise, but not entirely optimistic about the prospects for the industry. Earlier, Premier Li Keqiang to Switzerland to discuss free trade agreement, once the agreement, the mainland jewelry prices will be affected by the impact of lower tariffs, some of the more expensive price of goods prices may even drop a hundred thousand dollars, is bound to a local jewelry jewelry with Mainlandprice closer, affecting the local industry sales.


 Merry believes that insufficient diversification of products in Hong Kong, retail product portfolio addition visitors as the main target, it is difficult to attract local spending. Excluding the impact of gold mining, in fact, the performance of other categories also unexciting. To include intelligence products "not elsewhere classified" for example, compared with a year earlier, the general increase can be more than doubled, but no new products launched last month, sales fell 44.8 percent increase in real big. She estimated that if the future is no surprise product launch in Hong Kong as a whole, the value of retail sales increased only low double-digit growth.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

China jewelry market to the high-end market development trend

Chinese market for colored gemstones awareness and interest rising, multicolored worldwide supplier to provide sustainable development of the new market. In order to better seize new business opportunities, many active in the jewelry market in mainland companies have launched with multicolored focused new series, captured the mainland part of the various markets.
After several years of intense development, the Chinese mainland's economy over the past 18 months showed calm, stabilized state, for the most seriously develop the mainland market, colored stones industry, the slow growth of the mainland in recent months not only failed to beat them the enthusiasm of the Chinese market, but further enhance the industry's long-term establishment of China multicolored market confidence and enthusiasm.

To the increasingly high market development

Shenzhen, Mainland leading edge jewelry business with the United States Industrial Co., Ltd. is another company actively exploring in recent colored gemstone jewelry jewelers. Full Hongbin, deputy general manager to the "Asian Jewelry" said: "China has tended to market changes and global synchronization, many international brands in recent years introduced many flagship colored gemstone jewelry, so this type of jewelry is also in demand in the Mainland been enhanced, as high-end jewelry manufacturers and suppliers, we are actively creating more products to meet the latest market demands. "

Full Hongbin pointed out that from the perspective of the whole industry chain, China Cai Bao jewelry market development at an alarming rate in recent years, from raw material supply, grinding processing industry, finished jewelry making, as well as retail brands have seen a massive expansion progress. He said Choi Bao and distinctive varieties, greatly enhance the jewelry manufacturers in the production technology, design capability, process and product knowledge requirements, "to provide a quality product to the market, Choi Po jewelers, must is a mature, powerful enterprises, because the wise Chinese consumers are increasingly understood as their choice of product quality and the Heart. "

He added: "colored gems are precious natural resources, through the exquisite design and jewelry techniques, we provide consumers seeking multicolored added value, plus fashion interpretation techniques, the wearer can have an existing investment value, but also on various occasions, costume jewelry apparel and personal image, which is a lot of Chinese people are searching for consumption targets. "

Full Hongbin explained that in the past more than 16 years has been to high-quality products covering multiple aspects of inland edge of America purposed to newly developed color treasure jewelry market and broaden the mainland orders haute couture jewelry market. "Fate and beauty multicolored series of high-end market positioning Mainland, materials including red, sapphire, emerald, tourmaline and various spar and other quality gemstones, color design into the West, the image of a more atmospheric complexity and value-added products the higher, able to respond to current market trends demand for high-quality color treasure jewelry. "

To better color gemstone jewelry to show clients the diversity and species, edge and America at the end of Depot Center in Shenzhen Jinli Zhu opened two new showrooms, display multiple colored gemstones in jewelry themed series, Choi Bao jewelry enterprises stationed in the mainland market erected distinct position.

According to reports, showrooms after careful planning and design, in addition to customers about the purpose several different varieties of multicolored jewelery and wonderful design, but also hope that through the unique showroom atmosphere, giving a new shop retail customers experience the show Choi Bao jewelry unique qualities apart from providing them with a multicolored jewelry display platform paradigm.

Full Hongbin said: "Mainland multicolored jewelery market is just beginning, I think it would be a very good space. Chinese consumers' growing very rapidly, from a single tiny piece of white round diamonds extends to the design, craft, grades are very many kinds of jewelry requirements, I believe Choi Po in style and functional performance to better meet the diverse consumer Mainland investment boutique fashion jewelry and even the pursuit. "

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Langfang international jewelry trade center north started

It is understood that gallery and Square · Street in Beijing, Tianjin and financial integration, good background in local government, supported by Australia and the United Foundation Real Estate Development Co., National Economic and Technological Development Zone in Langfang project created. Including 430,000 square meters of the financial headquarters, international quality commercial street, hardcover residential and international hotels. The International Jewellery (North) trading centers are located here. In Langfang, Hebei Street Gallery and Square · International Jewellery (North) trading center was officially launched. The event is sponsored by the municipal government of Langfang, Langfang Economic and Technological Development Zone, Australia and the United Foundation Real Estate Development Co., contractors. The event focused on a comprehensive upgrade the jewelry industry and financial platform to build the future will be in the trading center on the basis of the creation of the first domestic Jewelry Exchange, China's jewelry industry trade index and the Chinese jewelry industry fund. Jewelry industry across the processing, trading, investment, retail and other industries, has a natural financial attributes. China is the world's most important producer and consumer of jewelry is one of the domestic jewelry
industry with an annual growth rate of 40% of rapid development, is expected in 2020 will become the world's largest consumer market. Square · Street Gallery and join the China International Trade Promotion Committee, relying on its rich top international resources, integration of many domestic and foreign jewelers together to build the first domestic creativity for the kernel, the most complete industrial chain, "International Jewellery (North) Trading Center . " Focus on the jewelry industry a comprehensive upgrade and financial platform to build, launch and the first trading center signed jewelry brand, is conducive to the rapid formation of aggregation effect, to achieve financial support industry, industry feedback financial virtuous circle.