Showing posts with label Ceramic sanitary ware industry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ceramic sanitary ware industry. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Uncovering the lies behind the ceramic sanitary ware industry promotion at a discount

Sanitary ware, has been on to the noble quality as home building materials market in the "boutique decorating material." Today, however, sanitary ware makers have introduced a low but then low discount; be confusing spree; limited buying super cheap; various combinations of packages; highest cash back on the yuan and so-called " luxury bathroom, "also in the" Low price storm "emerge, known unknown, at home and abroad involving up to several hundred kinds of sanitary ware brand. The price of a low-low again, really good or bad for consumers to distinguish between true and false made difficult. According to industry analysts, sanitary ware long walk if the price line, return to the minds of consumers "fine drapery" will become a luxury. 

Chaos concept of speculation to sell high-end price 

  According to the survey, 10 of the world's top brands have entered the Chinese sanitary ware, which has successively imported goods in domestic production, net imports of ceramic sanitary ware in the whole China market share of less than 5%. There are some remaining unknown "international brand", is just one of Chinese manufacturers were registered in foreign countries, production in China, shipped to foreign packaging, return domestic sales when they have a "noble lineage." 

  Some shopkeepers introduced to consumers high-temperature sterile concepts: the "temperature over 800 degrees in the low-temperature pottery, at 1600 degrees is the temperature Tao, only be considered to achieve our 1800 degree high temperature ceramic." While another clerk was declared "Our products have reached when fired above 2800 degrees, below that of all failed." in the end reach the number of degrees when fired at high temperature, it is considered? High-temperature pottery is the best it is not? A dealer said the main points a ceramic sanitary ware products and superior products, superior product price is a product of two to three times. Because interest-driven, sales to a product said to be superior products, the average consumer only from the surface no longer see superior product and a product of the difference, only rely on instrumentation, or after a period of use before identify them. Some dealers is the use of consumer information channel asymmetry, shoddy deceive consumers. 

Original defective discounted lift first 

  6 fold, 5 fold, 4.5 fold, the market most of the sanitary ware are on sale, at least 20% discount, the lowest sometimes hit twenty-three fold. Is true or false discounts discount? A salesman said this is a sample, some flaws; another salesman then said that this has been discontinued, obsolete models; third salesperson said handle inventory, not pressure funds. Salesperson, then after three true or false. Customers found in the market, the new just listed are discounted. And another shopkeeper then told the truth: "Now who prevail in the underlying price, ah, generally have a discount on the price we fight tickets." Someone asked: "then why the price marked so high, standard real Price is not better? "said the shopkeeper also feel helpless," No way Yeah, customer psychology is to bargain. " 

  In addition to discounts under various names, there are direct bottom line price, being original is now selling more than 100 thousand of the original price of nearly a thousand dollars as long as tens of dollars, so low super cheap,ceramics info who would not be tempted ah? However, when reminded of professionals, hand out and touched the inner wall outlet and found super cheap reasons: there is no enamel on the inner wall outlet. Now promotional variety, consumers buy to shop around for the wonderful care.