Sunday, July 7, 2013

Jewelry Design Pioneer pioneer market concept

Once, an ad for a brand of diamonds, "A diamond is forever, diamond is forever" widely circulated, it emphasizes the inherent quality of the diamond; Now, another brand jewelry "hot" series hot the market, people start emphasis gradually shape their representatives jewelry fashion, sexy, cutting-edge ideas. Thus, the long-term ...

         Once, an ad for a brand of diamonds, "A diamond is forever, diamond is forever" widely circulated, it emphasizes the inherent quality of the diamond; Now, another brand jewelry "hot" series hot the market, people start emphasis gradually shape their representatives jewelry fashion, sexy, cutting-edge ideas. Thus, the long-term resident has surfaced jewelry designer behind, Pu
Flying is one of them. In Hong Kong, the United States and the United States designed a jewelry trading company called "Six Degrees" pendant necklace, the company the first time ever on each product box small card attached to a fine, the above stated: Designer Pokfield .
Number of diamonds from the beginning
Jewelry design into the line before the IRS Pokfield is a small place "leader." Resignation, he went to Federal Express made a small staff. During the encounter a Taiwanese jeweler, they had a good talk. Later, the jeweler became his boss, it became his mentor.
Diamonds are the boss gave him the number on the first lesson. They know the next day, the boss caught a lot of diamonds so Pokfield number, they work out their own go. Back, Pokfield number reported to the diamond boss listening, boss nodded and let Pokfield to diamond separations. At first, the separation of Pokfield only two colors. But the boss told him that there are thousands of color diamonds. Pokfield wonder and confusion, and later came to understand that these two things are the boss of his ordeal. Number of diamonds must resist the inner greed, to despise it; while separations Shiyou want designer diamond as the most important tool, should pay attention to it. He learned from this lesson: do the jewelry design, make sure you put the mentality.
Design "money equation"
From several drill, separation of these most basic step to start, complete conception, drawing after Pokfield also learned from the version, caulking mold, pour gold and so on. He felt that the designer must understand the whole process of forming jewelry, or too restrictive. A thorough understanding of the jewelry industry, not only to broaden his horizons, but also to help him design a money equation.
"In fact, very simple," he said, "I know the price of raw materials, but also know a few craft jewelry by the constitution, each process is how much processing fees, shipping costs are much so that I could put these eleven calculated, very precise. "To trim save money equation, first of all look for the most direct supply of raw materials, the most streamlined process, and then compare the most affordable processing prices. These efforts Pufei Cheng successfully walk in between jewelry designers and jewelers.
Once Pokfield aunt in a large jewelry store a fancy diamond ring, priced million yuan. Aunt to buy immediately, but that he stopped. He used the camera to shoot down this ring, with one week to do the same paragraph, only spent 4000 yuan cost. Another time, the company received an order on ten thousand rings. Boss was away on business, since he did advocate changing the process, saved the company $ 600,000 cost. Thereafter, he was a "run errands" to the chief representative of the company in Guangzhou.
To refuse to meet customers' attitude
Three years later, Pokfield abandoned the "chief representative" represents wealth and status back to Chengdu, Chunxi street "personalized channel" to open a small shop, so he let them go into painstaking jewelry design. He will have its own design concept: the idea is to have a good designer but not in their drawing skills. Technology is now so advanced, professional jewelry design software has also been very sound, a soulless computer designer can easily be eliminated.
Pokfield peers often go around the shop, he felt little Chengdu professional jewelry designer with a unique style and design concepts are even scarcer. He likes the kind of relatively complicated, exaggerated, avant-garde style, and most girls tend to Chengdu Oriental subtle, delicate. Many local designers to cater to them, things are rather monotonous design, restrained. In this regard, it is not suited Pokfield.
There is a saying to Pokfield boss impressed: a man can not always stand in one place, but people tend to die fastest run ahead. However, Pokfield refused to meet customers, he believes people are always innovative ideas, the way this refusal is actually deeper to meet: "I hope I can become a guided fashion pioneer. Anything is more risk big rewards more lucrative. "
Proverbs jewelry designer quadword
From jewelry to understand the structure, texture and other basic knowledge, and to grasp the whole jewelry molding processes. Keep abreast of trends and market conditions, otherwise it will disconnect and industry.
Static is designed to do the most basic meditation state. According Pokfield introduced him at night to do jewelry design, the phone is always off. Because of stone, with stone, etc. must be conceived in a very quiet state can be carried out, not a trace of interference.
Sense of design is an art, you need a sensitive heart and the occasional burst of inspiration. But inspiration does not naturally occurring, designers should be good at Lenovo, from everything around for inspiration. For example Pokfield An important source of inspiration for Stephen Chow movie. Week of the film and jewelry design seemingly unrelated, but the kind of "senseless" without exaggeration and imagination marginal, to inspire people jump outside the box constraints, a bold new design works.
Set refers to good mental qualities. As a jewelry designer, the company are not satisfied or the market response was unsatisfactory things happen, and sometimes encounter customer returns. Then you must be calm, not panic, not from depression. Trainee reporter Chen Xiang banana

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